Toth Mold/Die Inc. Since 1982Most Recent Posts
Thanksgiving Reflection on My Life in the Injection Molding Business
Injection Molding Family Business I am sitting here thinking about the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and what I am thankful for. First what comes to mind, is that I am very blessed with a wonderful family who has always supported me and understood the commitment that...
The Good Ole Days Part 3 and The Forklift
I was sitting on our forklift the other day and it was acting up which brought back a couple memories from about 30 years ago. One day, our forklift broke down and we had to send it out to get it repaired which meant we needed to get a rental. Without our knowledge,...
Injection Molding Challenges
When you have been in the injection molding trade as long as I have, it sometimes gets a little stagnant as far as building and running molds. "I like having to build an injection mold that no one else wants to attempt." The thing I thrive on the most in the injection...
Simple Fixes to Injection Molding Problems
Being the owner of an injection molding business as well as a mold maker for 36 years, I have encountered a variety of problems with molds, machines and molded parts. Sometimes the fix for the problem is so obvious that you just pass it right up. I would like to share...
The Good Ole Days Part 2 and My Smashed LifeSavers
On my way into the shop this morning, I stopped at a gas station for a cup of coffee and there on the counter was a display of LifeSavers (You know... "A Hole Lot of Fun Candy"). It brought back memories of the good old days back in the late 70’s at Toth Mold/Die. ...
Injection Molding Multiple Parts in One Injection Mold
As a rule, an injection mold should be made for only one type of product. The main reason for this is that the different shapes may have different molding characteristics and the slower running shape will control the molding cycle and production output....
Throw Away The Viagra and Welcome the Pump-N-Gro!
This is one of those entrepreneur stories I had no idea how it was going to go. I met inventor and entrepreneur, Richard Smith for lunch to hear his story. You see Richard invented a male wellness product called the Pump-N-Gro which reduces some of the symptoms of...
How to Determine the Right Size Injection Molding Machine for Your Injection Mold
After your part is developed and ready to go into the production phase, the size of the injection molding machine needs to be chosen. Determining the number of cavities in the mold is usually dictated by part cost and production time requirements. This will be...
Advanced EMI/RFI Shielding Injection Molding Resin
Electronic products usually require EMI/RFI shielding. Parts require a secondary operation to apply either foil, paints, vacuum metalization among other applications. Toth Mold/Die Inc. has been producing a part for over 10 years with an EMI/RFI shielding resin. The...
Injection Molding Well Suited for Unique Inventions
Toth Mold/Die Inc. recently celebrated their 35th anniversary in injection molding and injection mold building. We have performed work for both small and large companies. I think back to some of our customers that have been inventors and wonder where some of them...