Toth Mold/Die Inc. Since 1982Injection Molds Category
The Good Ole Days at Toth Mold/Die Inc.
Toth Mold/Die Inc. - 3 Brothers & An Old School Father! When we started out some 41 years ago it was a crazy time. Picture three brothers that did not know much at all about the injection molding/mold building trade starting to work for our very experienced...
32 Years in the Injection Molding Industry
Toth Mold/Die Inc. has just celebrated our 32nd anniversary of being in the injection molding industry. It has been a quick 32 years and very eventful. A lot of things come to mind when I think back to 1982. My two brothers, my father and myself were running...
The Importance of Injection Molding Machine Operators
Injection molding machine operators are an important factor in the final injection molded part that is produced. There are a wide range of skill levels required from injection molding machine operators. The first level is rather easy and basically requires little...
Has Technology Replaced Craftsmanship in the Injection Molding Industry?
I have been building molds and also injection molding for over 30 years. Technology keeps us moving forward. When I was learning the trade, it was a trade that I knew you had to be committed to. The time that was involved in learning all of the different steps from...
My Passion for Injection Molding and How I Became an Injection Mold Maker
Injection Molding Company – A Family Business of the Injection Mold Maker When I graduated from high school, I had no plans of going to college nor did I have a career in mind. I agreed to go and work with my father and two brothers running an injection molding...
Toth Mold/Die, Inc. Celebrating 30th Anniversary in the Plastic Injection Molding Industry
As we commemorate our 30th Anniversary this year in Injection Molding, Injection Mold Making and Product Design, we look back at what it took to bring us to this point in time. It all started with the three Toth brothers, Tim, Tom and Steve Jr. who teamed up with...