Toth Mold/Die Inc. Since 1982Most Recent Posts
The Injection Molding Cycle
The injection molding cycle sequence is typical for almost every injection molded part. There are a few exceptions, but for the most part, the injection molding cycle is the same. Before the mold is put into the molding machine, some materials that are...
Can I Make My Part with Injection Molding?
Where there is a will there is a way. I have had that mindset for over 31 years in the injection molding trade Toth Mold/Die Inc. has had some pretty tough parts to injection mold over the 31 years. There has not been a part that we had to tell a customer it...
Injection Molding Stories of Success for Inventors
I was just thinking about some of the projects we have developed and produced over the last 30 years. One of the first products we did for injection molding was a computerized backgammon game. A group of inventors came to us back in 1978 and asked us to develop...
Injection Molding Basics: Ejecting a Part From an Injection Mold
One of the most critical components of an injection mold is being able to run an uninterrupted cycle during the injection molding process. One of most common causes of an inconsistent cycle is having a part not being ejected from the injection mold. There are...
Injection Molding Basics: What to Expect From a Part That is Injection Molded
After your injection mold is finished and parts have been approved, the next step is to find an injection molding company that will be able to run production of your parts. The injection molding company will estimate the cycle time and also find out the material...
Injection Molding Basics: What to Expect When Having an Injection Mold Built
If you have never had a part injection molded before, there are a number of important factors you will need to know before you get too far into a project. Assuming you have your part or parts designed and already have working prototypes, the next step is to get set up...
The Importance of Injection Molding Machine Operators
Injection molding machine operators are an important factor in the final injection molded part that is produced. There are a wide range of skill levels required from injection molding machine operators. The first level is rather easy and basically requires little...
Has Technology Replaced Craftsmanship in the Injection Molding Industry?
I have been building molds and also injection molding for over 30 years. Technology keeps us moving forward. When I was learning the trade, it was a trade that I knew you had to be committed to. The time that was involved in learning all of the different steps from...
Types of Steel Used in Injection Molds for Injection Molding
There is a large selection of different types of steel used for various applications in the manufacturing of all types of products. In the injection molding industry, there are common steels used for different parts of an injection mold. One of the driving...
Injection Molding and Mold Building Troubleshooting
Injection Molding - Injection Molding Process During the injection molding process, issues arise with part quality, part cosmetics and part dimensions. These issues are resolved through the injection molding process parameters and/or modifications with the injection...